Privacy Policy

ADS DIGITAL MEDIA LTDA, CNPJ 47.588.797/0001-53, located at Travessa do Amorim, nº 66, Bairro do Recife Recife – PE, CEP: 50.030-070  is concerned with the electronic records and personal data left by you (“Holder”) in the use of our website ( and services available there (“Services”) or who otherwise provided us with personal data that may identify you.

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) regulates, in a simple, transparent and objective way, what personal data may be collected, as well as when and in what way may be used.

This Policy is aimed at Ads customers and the general public, in accessing and using our Site and services available therein, and includes the ways in which we treat your personal data. If you are an employee, collaborator or supplier, customer of a licensed product or if you are participating in any specific project or activity with ADS, you must seek the respective privacy notice issued by ADS, or the person responsible for hiring you at the company, so that provide you with applicable terms and inform you of your rights to your data.

Important Settings

In this Privacy Policy we adopt the following meanings for the terms:

Personal data: Any information relating to a natural person, directly or indirectly, identified or identifiable.

Sensitive personal data: Special category of personal data referring to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, trade union membership or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, referring to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data relating to the natural person.

Holder: Natural person to whom the personal data refer. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy you are the Owner.

Processing: All operations carried out with personal data, such as those referring to: collection, production, reception, classification, use, access , reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or control of information, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.

Anonymization: Process through which the data loses the possibility of association, direct or indirect, to an individual, considering the technical means reasonable and available at the time of treatment.

Data collection

We collect information about you when you use our Services. In addition, third parties may collect information about you when you use our services. Information collected may include or reflect personally identifiable data, as well as anonymized data.

When we collect your Personal Data:

By filling out forms on the Services.  When you interact with material constructed by ADS, such as a questionnaire, you are granting us access to certain data about you. You may submit data to us for limited purposes, respond to a questionnaire; participate in a study or survey; enter contests or sweepstakes; or sign up to receive communications from us.

For your contact with us. When you contact ADS through your interaction with the service channels, you may be providing us with your personal data. For example, when sending us a conventional letter, you will inform your sender data, in addition to the content of the letter itself. In electronic messages of the type e-mail, you will also be sending us the metadata typical of this form of communication.

Data we do not want to collect on the Services:

Data on minors. We do not knowingly collect personal data from underage or disabled individuals. If you are a parent or legal guardian and you believe that your child or person under your legal guardianship has provided personal data to ADS without your consent, you can consult us about the existence and request the deletion of this information by contacting us at -mail: [email protected].

Sensitive personal data. We do not knowingly collect sensitive personal data through our Services. In principle, the information requested in our forms or required so that we can establish any type of contact mediated by the Services do not necessarily require personal data referring to racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union affiliation or organization of a religious nature, philosophical or political, relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data relating to the natural person. However, in situations where you voluntarily submit sensitive personal data to us, for example by filling out a form or sending us a message through the service channels, you agree that we can process your sensitive personal data.

Data collected automatically

Browsing data. We automatically collect certain types of data when you use our services, regardless of whether you have an account. This data includes your IP address, technical information about your device (browser type, operating system, basic device information, date and time of your request, geolocation), the webpage you visited or the search query you entered. before coming to us and its activities. We may track your activities using cookies and similar technologies.

Use of data

You agree that ADS may use the personal data provided by you to (art. 7, inc. I, LGPD):

Communicating with you: We use your data when we communicate with you, for example when we send you emails. We also use the personal data provided by you to offer ADS products and services.

Operating our services: we use your data to provide our services, and otherwise fulfill our contractual obligations to you.


Improving our services: we use your data to understand how our services are being used and how we can improve them. In general, we look at aggregate data rather than user-specific data. We may, however, need to analyze a specific case to solve a specific problem, for example a bug that only affects certain situations.

Customizing your experience: we use your data to customize the service for you.

Marketing and Advertising: We use your data to show you advertisements on third-party websites. We may also use your data to send third-party advertisements to you.

IN ADS may also use the personal data provided by you for (art. 7, inc. II, V, VI and IX, LGPD):

Regular exercise of rights: where reasonably necessary, we use your data to exercise our legal rights and prevent abuse of our service.

Legal Compliance: We use your data where we are legally required to do so. For example, we may need to collect your data to respond to a subpoena or court order.

Protecting Your Information: where appropriate, we may anonymize, back up and delete certain data.

Data sharing

You agree that ADS may share and process the personal data provided by you, in any countries or territories, for the following purposes (art. 7, inc. I , LGPD):

Authorized providers: we may share your data with third-party providers who help us operate our services, process orders and fulfill your instructions and contractual obligations . This may include payment processors, content delivery networks (CDNs), cloud-based hosting services, monitoring services, email service providers, quality assurance and testing providers, fraud and abuse prevention providers , customer relationship management (CRM) vendors, and shipping vendors.

Advertising: we may share your data with advertising companies to show you relevant advertisements.

Analytics: we may share your data with analytics providers who help us understand how customers are using our services.

We use reasonable efforts to screen vendors for their privacy and data security practices. We require these vendors to agree to protect the data we share.

ADS may also share and process the personal data provided by you, in any countries or territories, for the following purposes (art. 7, inc. VI, LGPD ):

Certain legal situations: we may share your data where we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with a legal obligation or in connection with a corporate transaction .

Aggregate or anonymous information will not be considered personal data, we may publicly disclose aggregated or anonymous non-personal information such as our number of visitors and registered users.

Your Rights

You have the right to request at any time, regarding your personal data (art.18 of the LGPD):

  • confirmation of treatment existence;
  • data access;
  • correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data;
  • anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary, excessive data;
  • portability of data to another service or product provider, upon express request, in accordance with the regulations of the national authority, observing trade secrets and industrial;
  • deletion of personal data processed with your consent, except in the foreseen cases

In addition to the legally foreseen hypotheses, we may retain records of information collected automatically (for internal analysis and security purposes).

Protecting your information

ADS employs reasonable administrative, logical, managerial and physical measures to protect your personal data from loss, theft and unauthorized access, use and alteration. These measures are designed to provide a level of security appropriate to the risks of processing your personal data.

Despite these efforts, no information system can be 100% secure, so we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your information. Users also have a role to play in keeping their data safe by preventing reckless and reckless behavior.

Third-Party Services

We may provide links to online services that we do not own and operate. These services fall outside this Privacy Policy and we have no control over the data they collect. For example, if you click on a link from one of our social networks, you may be taken to the service provider’s environment for that social network. Once on a third party website, your data may be collected by third parties. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of such services before using them.

Contact us

To clarify a question, make a request or exercise any of your rights over your personal data, you should contact us at:

ADS DIGITAL MEDIA, Travessa do Amorim, nº 66, Bairro do Recife Recife – PE, CEP: 50.030-070

        [specific privacy email ([email protected])]

Changes to the Privacy Policy

ADS reserves the right to modify its privacy policy at any time and will notify you by including an amendment to the privacy policy on our Site. These amendments will become effective on the day of their publication.